Tuesday, January 1, 2019

An apology and New Year's resolutions

I can't believe that it has been 18 months since my last post. It's for this long long pause in posting that I am apologizing for. I've been meaning to post for quite a while now but somehow I never got around to it. I'm sorry.

I guess I should explain some of the reasons for the absence. Shortly after my last post, I returned to Ontario to pack for our long journey to BC. We arrived and survived in a small 320 square foot apartment for the rest of 2016. Let me tell you that I am not cut our for tiny house living. It's also pretty devastating for my miniatures hobby because I had to leave them in storage.

We bought a house in Abbotsford and moved in over the month of December. My miniatures have a home in the nice finished basement and all my books that I kept are up on shelves where I can access them. However, it's an older home and we've ended up doing a lot of renovations. The renovations have chewed up quite a bit of time but they are coming to an end. I just have the stairwell left to patch and paint.

On to the resolutions; in 2019 I resolve to:

  • Post at least once a month in this blog. I won't count this one for January though.
  • Create terrain that I can use for my 2mm ACW figures. Maybe my next post could describe my plans for this.
  • Write a set of rules for an age of sail game. I have been mulling a few ideas in my mind and I think it's time to put pen to paper, as it were.
  • Paint more 6mm WW2 figures.