Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Project 2mm Terrain: Update 12

The end is nigh! I've done the swamp, completed the woods, and finished the buildings. The penultimate step I've just completed: giving everything a good spay with a Mod Podge and water mix to stick everything down and seal it.

The final step is to paint the frame just to make it look good. I've got some nice grey house paint that should do the trick. It won't take much time to do.

So here's an other teaser shot of the terrain to whet your appetite. My next posting will have a bunch of glamour shots showing the final board, complete with detachable forests and buildings and with my 2mm miniatures in roughly the Gaines Mill deployment.

Thursday, May 14, 2020

Terrain Teaser

I've made a little progress on my 2mm terrain, but not enough to justify a full update. I now have some buildings I can put on the board. The buildings have magnets embedded in them so that I can add or remove them as I want. I need to seal and paint them.

House and barn
I experimented adding a thin black wash to darken some trees and some thin yellow to lighten some. The black worked but the yellow didn't really.

Monday, May 4, 2020

Garden interlude

I accomplish little in the way of miniatures this weekend. But I have been admiring our efforts from last summer and fall in the garden. We ripped out all of the weeds and other vegetation except for the ferns and two wild rose bushes. Apparently, gardening is a blood sport when it comes to things with thorns.

We replaced that with 9 bags of mulch, an Easter lily we gave the alternative of growing instead of composting, a bunch of Hostas that we moved, and some upside down roofing tile to serve as a cheap trough for dealing with rain.

Six months later, I'm happy with the results so far. We'll see what it looks like in summer but this is a great start.

The next project is likely to be the front garden and lawn. The lawn is in particularly bad shape because grass struggles to grow on it and I just weeded it with a digger that rips out the entire weed, root and all. It looks a bit like World War One battlefield right now with big craters everywhere.

I'd love to replace those concrete blocks at the end of this garden, but I think that is going to take some serious WORK and some expense to do properly, so for now it will stay as-is.