Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Project 2mm Terrain: Update 12

The end is nigh! I've done the swamp, completed the woods, and finished the buildings. The penultimate step I've just completed: giving everything a good spay with a Mod Podge and water mix to stick everything down and seal it.

The final step is to paint the frame just to make it look good. I've got some nice grey house paint that should do the trick. It won't take much time to do.

So here's an other teaser shot of the terrain to whet your appetite. My next posting will have a bunch of glamour shots showing the final board, complete with detachable forests and buildings and with my 2mm miniatures in roughly the Gaines Mill deployment.

PS: our honeysuckle finally bloomed after looking like it would so so a couple of weeks ago. It's a very delicate and pretty thing when it finally does open up but each bloom only lasts a day or two.


  1. Our honeysuckle is sadly all gone here on the Island. It was fun showing my eldest how tasty it is though!

    1. The bloom is mostly over now. Just the pettles on the deck left as a reminder. But the clematis has taken over as the focus of bloom.

      The honeysuckle will just have to content itself with resuming its wild growth of about 2 metres a year.
