Sunday, July 26, 2015

Sails of Non-Glory

A couple of weeks ago, David hosted our first go at Sails of Glory. Much like its brother products, you have a miniature, a deck of cards to control movement, and a set of chits to dish out damage. The big clunky bases I had seen were not as bad in real life as I had imagined from the product photos.

The first game was more of a practice with me in a British 38 gun frigate vs Ray in an 20 gun sloop and Derek in a 30 gun frigate.

Naturally enough, I went after Ray first. In a portend of things to come, I took 9 points of damage and lost a mast to a measly 4 points or so to Ray. This despite me outgunning him 2 to 1.

And it only went downhill from there for me.

In the second game, I teamed up with David. Having concluded my ship was cursed, I flipped the card and took a different frigate. Once again, Ray and Derek were the French and they took two frigates.

After a miss-step in which I oversteered and David understeered into a collision, we resumed out plan of attack to steer down on Ray, who was in the aft ship. Once again, I came out the worse in the exchange.

Despite drawing 8 chits, Ray managed to get 6 no damage chits. I took more and was once again dismasted. My ship was rapidly pounded into striking while Ray and Derek largely managed to avoid crooked numbers in damage. David was a bit too late in coming to my rescue and was not able to reduce the numbers against him.

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