Sunday, September 20, 2020

On the Move Again

 I got laid off at the end of July. I gave myself six weeks to find a new job at the same salary or else we'd sell the house and move back to Ontario. There were a few reasons for this timeline:

  • Housing sales start to dip in October and selling in November and December is much tougher.
  • Prices on houses had remained strong because of low mortgage rates combined with limited inventory.
  • COVID-19 seemed to be spiking again and we definitely wanted to be on the market before 14 days after the long weekend. We definitely didn't want to be trying to sell during a lockdown.
We got a very good offer last weekend, and with me narrowly missing out on a job that could have kept me in Abbotsford, we had to take the offer.

I'll miss all the great people I've met here in British Columbia, my co-workers, my neighbours, and the gamers who attend Trumpeter and those who don't.

Meanwhile, this is a shot of my workbench, research library, and my gaming storage cupboard. I had cleaned up considerably to the showings, so this area is usually not so tidy. 

The one cool thing I found is that my 2mm terrain project is basically the exact same size as the top of my gaming cupboard. This was not planned but sometimes things just work out.


  1. Ha! That looks WAAAAAY too clean to be a proper hobby space!

    Moves are no fun - I can't even imagine a move across the country!

  2. I did say that I had cleaned it up for the pictures. What's missing is the tools and paints scattered on the desk, the models in progress on the top of the drawers, the box of foamcore beside the drawers, the open cabinet stuffed with miniatures and terrain, and so on.
