Saturday, February 15, 2014

Creating Chain of Command markers

You can find quite a few examples of creative patrol markers and jump off points. Rich at Too Fat Lardies has produced what look to be nice collections of object de guerre and others have similar creative 3D markers. Mine aren't like those markers.

They are, however, dead simple and quick to do.
  1. Print out the markers from the Lardies Yahoo group. I suppose I could have used photo paper or such, but I settled for standard paper.
  2. Stick them on to some plasticard that is cut to fit the entire marker. A while ago, we asked our security company for some new stickers. They included a sign in the package. I chucked the aluminum post in the recycle bin but I kept the sign, figuring that I could find a use for it.
  3. Paint around the marker using brown paint. I use some cheap craft paint for this. You don't have to be too precise as long as you don't go too much over the printed marker. The brown is for when the flock wears off and the underneath looks like dirt rather than white plastic.
  4. Paint white glue over the brown paint and then dip the marker into your flock mix. My mix is about 1/3 course and 2/3 fine.
  5. Shake off the excess flock and your are done.
I hammered these out in about an hour all told,

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